Monday, February 14, 2011

Field Trip!

So today we go ta tour of UITS and learned that we had access to some pretty interesting and drool worthy technologies. The guy giving us the tour also asked us our passion. Mine is Photo manipulation like the following zombification I did on this girl.

Before - the original photoAfter

There is a guy who does really neat photo manipulation (though he uses the clone tool and it shows, so its not the GREATEST ever...)

I have this one in my kitchen.

His name is Thomas Barbey and I have this poster in my kitchen. I get frustrated because you can clearly see the use of the clone tool, but I give him credit for doing it and the ideas he has are pretty awesome.

I REALLY want to use the virtual reality room, but I would have to learn 3d..which comes after programming on my list. I might actually use the multiple screened tv for a photo manipulation project. That way I can ensure I do not have mistakes in the manipulation on my potential poster art.

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